The piece of art that I chose by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec was Graf Alphonse de Toulouse-Lautrec lenkt einen Vierspänner. The picture was painted in 1881. This is a painting of two many on a horse drawn carriage. There are four horses pulling the carriage and it appears they are riding on a shore line.
This painting is very intense. The horses appear to be running at full force splashing water next to the shore line.
I like how the two men are painted. One of the men is driving the carriage with a long jacket, beard and top hat. The other man is leaning back with his arms and legs crossed, hat pulled down in the front, and looking all cool.
There is a tree line not to far off in the distance which makes the shore line seem that is more of a shore line to a lake or river rather than an ocean.
I reason I chose this painting over the others because I really like how intense but yet calm it is. The horses give it an intense and fast moving image. On the other hand, how calm the two men are on the carriage slows things down in a way.
Henri de Toulouse has a lot of amazing paintings and I am glad I got to see them.